One of our favorite get aways is my uncle's cabin on the Brazos River. This weekend the Lentz and the DeHarts joined in the fun and relaxation. We left Friday after school and all stopped at Albertson's in Cleburne for some shopping which was a hoot. You should have seen all of us rushing through there with a cart each. It was quite a site. When we finally got there we unpacked and made a pretty delicious meal. (steak/potato). The boys decided to play FIFA (new story of our lives) and the girls all hopped into the big bed and "watched" a movie. (fell asleep). On Saturday morning we woke up early and set out on the porch for a while to relax and then made breakfast fit for kings. After breakfast the boys decided to go shoot some guns. Steven shot a crow on the first shot. The girls had a ton of fun watching the boys be boys. The guys also tried out the potato cannon, which was built over a year ago and is just now being used. The girls relaxed some more and watched movies. Reese and Abby had fun at their first sleep over. I think a good time was enjoyed by all!
Here are the two little ones in their PJ's.
Where is Krisite?

The Potato Cannon (Did I mention that even after the build up that it didn't work quite right. It just made a loud sound?)

Looks like the Burleson Bunch had a grand time! ;)
Sorry to take so long to respond! I've been having computer issues.
My blog is "cute" because a friend of mine has started a business making custom blog headers and they are GREAT. She and her husband will make you one for $10 if you are interested. Check out their website They have a lot of creative options!
I hope everything is going well for you guys! You need to keep up the blogging because I'm checking for updates almost every day!
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