Christmas this year will look very different but a special surprise will make it even more sweet. It is true. Baby Pennington #2 is on his way! He should be here December 18th. I am just around 6 months pregnant and doing great. We purposely haven't made a big announcement for several reasons but it is now time. My belly is getting quite large. The baby is apparently the size of a corn cob. We know for sure that it is a boy(and we are super excited). I have (cross my fingers) stopped getting "morning sickness" (which by the way is the worst misnomer in the history of pregnancy for me). I stopped 4 weeks earlier than I did with Abby and haven't had to take Zofran in several days now- PRAISE THE LORD!! We do have a name- but we haven't nailed down the middle name yet. We will share when we do... For now, we will use one of Brian's suggestions and just call him Chancho. These are some of the sono pics that we got about a month or so ago. It is a picture of he head and torso. The picture at the bottom is a 3D picture that we just happened to get. If you get past the scariness of it then you can really make ot his face (up and down on the left). The other pics that, I didn't scan, show his boy parts, arms, legs, heart, brain, etc.

Haha, that is a funny name! I can't wait to see him :)
Just pray that he and Abby don't have the love/hate relationship that my brother and I did when we were growing up (Brian is 20 months older than me). He loved to pick on me and I hated it!
Maybe because Abby is older she'll be the sweet motherly-older-sister :)
I am so excited for you!
We are having a boy too!! I have also been crazy sick! I am about 20 weeks and still throw up everything I eat yet amazingly I have continued to gain weight!!!!
Hope you are all well!
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