December 18, 2008 8:05AM 8lbs 0oz. 21 in (and he was early!)
It has been quite a week!! We began with the arrival of the PennB's- wahoo and got to spend some great time with them. Dennis' brain surgery was on Tuesday (which went GREAT-praise the Lord). He is doing very well. Wednesday was full of hustle and bustle and after visits to the hospital etc, we went to eat with Brian, Jenn, Jordan, Trevor and Heath at Chili's. A bit into dinner I got sick and started feeling not quite right. (Remember that I had a C-section scheduled the next morning at 7:30.) Shad and Jenn talked me into going to the hospital even though I refused to admit that I was having contractions. They weren't terrible but I am glad that we went. About 10:00 they admitted us and monitored Cooper. The contractions weren't terrible but they did increase throughout the night. Around 3:00 am we discussed an epidural but went with some oral pain meds and followed through with the c-section at 7:30 so that Dr. Alexis would be the one to do it. I was awake and remember WAY more than I did with Abby. The whole experience was calm and went well. We had TONS of visitors and were blessed so much. He is an amazing little guy who mostly sleeps.

Big Sister is VERY proud of him and doesn't seem to be jealous at this point. She wants him to eat all the time and often tries to share with him.
Big Sister is VERY proud of him and doesn't seem to be jealous at this point. She wants him to eat all the time and often tries to share with him.
Sooo blessed! Love you and glad to be a part of your life
I've been getting updates on you guys through my mom...I'm so happy little Cooper is here safe and sound!
He is just adorable!! Congratulations! I can't wait to meet him!
Congratulations, Haley! He looks beautiful, and you guys had a TON of visitors! I'm glad you are so loved. :)
Haley- he is a doll! I can't wait to come see the little guy. Maybe after Christmas I can at least come by with the kiddos even if Bart is at work! Can't wait!
Well look at you getting caught up on blogging with a toddler and newborn! Wonderwoman! We love that little guy so much already. He looks just like his daddy!
Congrats! He is just precious!
We were looking through your blog and Madison pointed at a picture and said "Abby" Now she keeps saying Abby,Abby,Abby over and over! We need to get them together again soon!
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