Saturday, January 17, 2009

Cooper is a Pooper and a Trooper

Cooper had his one month check up Friday. He is a growing kid and has more than made up for his significant early weight loss. He has decided that eating is sometimes better than sleeping and his weight gain is showing that. He weighs 9lbs and 31/2 oz and is 22in long. We were used to the 85-95th percentile numbers with Abby and Cooper is only in the 30th in weight and 70th in height. Dr. Senevey (the greatest doc ever) was pleased with his stats. He is such a good humored baby and rarely fusses unless he is hungry. We haven't established as good of a schedule as we would like because he enjoys sleeping more than anything else and is quite hard to wake, but we will get there.

I just think infants in shoes are hilarious..... aren't they cute!!

Here he is with his blanket that Grandmother made him. Notice also his extremely large hands...

This is pretty much what he does all day....

Ohh look... grab the camera fast his eyes are open!

And look.... now he is hungry.

***I promise some "posed/cute" pictures are coming. Maybe one day things will slow down-- ha! It is so sad to me that what everyone said about having a second is already so true. With Abby everything was done extra early and very detailed as far as baby book, pictures etc. We are already behind on Coop but I am determined to get busy!

Big sister is crazy about him and continually asks about him if he is not visible to her. She loves to "help" burp him, change his diaper, share her food, give him his paci and hold him. Abby worries about him when he is crying and says "otay coop, otay coop" as she pats him as well as points out to me that he is crying as if I can't hear him. When he got his shots at the doctor she cried very hard because she didn't like him getting a shot... it was precious. She is adorable!! I can't believe how much older she already seems. People warned us about this too but it did--- it happened so fast! We expect more of her and she responds. She is Miss Independent and does many funny things. Her vocabulary has expanded leaps and bounds and her sense of humor is great. Her range of emotions is huge. "Pockets" (ring around the rosies) is what she wants to play constantly and she also enjoys coloring, playdough, playing outside, and especially cooking in her kitchen.
Shad is doing well too! :)
Praise the Lord for such a wonderul family! I am blessed!

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